About Me

Everyday life provides many an occasion to make you think “hmmmm, ” and you feel that you may offer some insight to that situation, or have an alternate view of it. This occurs to me a lot. I will be writing about these things from time to time, partially to just to air out those thought and ideas for my self by putting them into words, and maybe catch a reader / follower or two long the way.

Who I am is not all that important, but I noticed that people are more likely to follow “you” if they can know something about “you”.  While I am not willing to make my TRUE Identity open to the public (just in case I post something that sparks the interest of the Paparazzi or super Press, I don’t want it make it TOO easy for them to Find me -GRIN),

And so to give you a  little insight as to who it is that thinks these things, here goes……

I am an older adult male,  Living the American Dream in Ohio — (defined as owning a home, being married , reasonably healthy, employed, have kids and grandkids, and I am able to pursue some personal interests within my financial means).

I won’t be bloggin about Politics, or social issues mostly, cuz that just always makes someone MAD, and I there is too much anger and resentment in this world. I want to make people laugh, with me or at me. I use this “policy” at work and in most of my personal dealings and it helps me to not be a Grumpy Old Man, most of the time anyway. Remember to smile – a LOT – it’l keep your face in shape! ;0).

If you want to communicate with me directly, go to the ‘Contact Me Directly’ page and you can send me an email from there.

I don’t really expect to get email from readers anyway, but I thought I should put up something anyway.

28 Responses to About Me

  1. dentaleggs says:

    Many thanks for following!

  2. shammee says:

    Congratulations. I nominated you for an award :

    Being Nominated & My silly answers … 😉

  3. shammee says:

    You’ve Been Nominated
    Hi. I just nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog Award. Not sure of the exact rules, who started it, or where to find the exact rules. I think you are supposed to nominate 15 other blogs when you accept (kind of like chain letter/pyramid type advertising) but I know I won’t be advertising that many). Anyway, it only serves to help promote your blog. For more info, check out the appropriate post at my site on :http://iiteeeestudents.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/very-inspiring-blog-nominations/

    • I Thank you Greatly Shammee. I don’t have time lately to do the followup on these as to properly do a blogger needs to be thoughtful and Honest and I just cant get on here long enough lately to do the award justice.

  4. aFrankAngle says:

    Cheers to a fellow Ohioan … and from your email address, we may not be that far apart. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.

  5. CultFit says:

    Keep up your great work mate and be well!!!

  6. robincoyle says:

    One must ask . . . where did the name “Air Cooled Underwear” come from?

    Happy to be your new devoted follower!

  7. Like the fact you want to make people laugh.

  8. goodoldgirl says:

    Just a short note to let you know I’ve nominated you for The Lovely Blog Award.

  9. shammee says:

    reading your blog was like walking through a daily routine …. but stopping by and enjoying those little moments, nothing extraordinary but Simply Great ….

  10. You’ve just gained another follower. I truly love your work here. KUDOS!

    • I apologize CDN – Reviewing some of my pages today I just saw that I never responded to your comment above. I feel that if someone takes the time to respond , the least I can to is to reply and let them know I appreciate it.– and somehow I missed yours. I offer no excuses, only my humble apology, and a big THANK YOU for being a follower.

  11. Very well done! Love the fact that you get to be near your whole family. Loving your blog since I just wandered across it, I’m going through all of it! Keep the thoughts coming.


    • thank you so much dug. I was looking at your revised route for your ride and i am sad that you wont be riding through Ohio on this trek. good Luck to you and I will keep up with your blog to follow your travels. I will read it over soon once this ‘fame without fortune” dies down. Thanks for giving my stuff a full once over.

  12. I absolutely adore your “About” description next to your avatar on your posts…so much character revealed through your description. And it seems a good thing that you didn’t identify yourself…it may not be the paparazzi or super press, but Freshly Pressed status certainly ups your visibility in the blogosphere!

    Congrats to you…


  13. diane lasauce says:

    Wonder where you found the heading photo. May be copyright infringement.

    • Hi Diane. the photo is one of a handful of template options that WordPress make available so I am fairly certain that they have taken care of the rights issues with them.. I have a couple favorites that y wife has taken that I would like to replace it with, but I haven’t found them in the ‘Digital Heap” as yet. ( I know how to make a camera go CLICK! but she knows how to frame a photograph)
      I do like this photo though, I have always been drawn to the tree lined road shots for some unknown reason, perhaps the mystery of what is at the other end?.
      Thanks for your concern.

      • Diane LaSauce says:

        Hi Air Cooled-

        Good news. I first viewed this image on a pals site, so therefore the comment.

        Half the fun of blogging is the opportunity to show my photographs. I have not published on paper to date, as the future of traditional books remains uncertain. WordPress provides easy steps to add your own images. I use Picasa for photo editing and this format is easy and fun. Try it. Thanks for following my blog. Comments always welcome.

  14. humorous and thought provoking indeed! 🙂